Willowbrook Oral & Maxilliofacial Surgery - Anesthesia, facial trauma, impacted canines, jaw surgery, oral pathology, pre-prosthetic, sleep apnea & wisdom tooth surgery.
6351 197th #301 St Langley BC V2Y 1X8 - VIEW ON MAP 604-532-9686

 Facial Trauma

Soft Tissue Lacerations, Chipped or Avulsed Teeth, Fractures to Facial Bones and Jaw

Surgery is sometimes required to treat facial injuries. Facial trauma can be caused by many different things including accidental falls, motor vehicle accidents, interpersonal violence, sports and work-related injuries. Common injuries to the facial structures may include:

  • Soft tissue lacerations
  • Chipped or avulsed (knocked out) teeth
  • Fractures of the facial bones and jaws

Dr. Gill is trained and uniquely qualified to treat facial trauma. He is on staff at Langley Memorial Hospital and delivers emergency room coverage for facial injuries, including the following conditions:

  • Facial lacerations
  • Intraoral lacerations
  • Fractured facial bones (cheek or nose) including fractures of the upper and lower jaws

Sports-Related Facial Injury Prevention – Mouthguards are Necessary and Can Reduce
Effects of Concussions

Accidents can occur that cause unforeseen injury to the teeth, jaws and face. It is important to protect these areas while participating in contact:
  • Always wear a mouthguard when playing a contact sport
  • Mouthguards reduce the risk of tooth injury or loss
  • Mouthguards may reduce the effects of concussions

Contact Us for More Information About Facial Trauma Surgery Today

Please contact us for information about facial trauma surgery or if you would like to arrange a consultation appointment you can call us at (604) 532-9686.

“Excellence in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”