Sinus Lift Surgery

The Sinus Lift is a is a particular type of bone graft that is performed to replace bone in the posterior upper jaw. Various sources of bone can be used, including bone from a tissue bank. However, the best results are obtained when using your own bone which is often taken from the hip bone.
Implant placement into the back of the upper jaw is a special circumstance due to the presence of the maxillary sinus. The maxillary sinus is an air containing space which exists in the cheekbone above the upper teeth. With increased age and tooth loss, the sinus expands and causes shrinkage of the upper jaw bone, particularly in the area of the back teeth. This bone loss may impede our ability to place dental implants in this area. The key to a successful dental implant is the quality and quantity of jawbone within which the implant is placed. In order for this area to accommodate dental implants, a special type bone graft may be required. This is called a SINUS LIFT. Placement of the bone graft is accomplished by entering the floor of the maxillary sinus through the side of the upper jaw. The thin sinus membrane is lifted up, and the bone graft is placed under this membrane to augment the upper jaw bone. After a period of healing (approximately 6-8 months), the grafted bone becomes part of the upper jaw. Stable dental implants can then be placed into this new bone.
A sinus lift may be necessary if you:
- are missing more than one tooth in the back of your upper jaw
- are missing a significant amount of bone in the back of your upper jaw
- are missing most of the maxillary teeth, but require support for dental implants
Proper assessment prior to sinus lift surgery includes a CT scan to assess for sinus disease including chronic sinusitis (sinus infection). Chronic sinusitis on a CT scan is indicated by the thickening of the sinus membrane. This membrane is also known as the Schneiderian Membrane. Sinus lift surgery is performed through an antrostomy (opening) in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. The bone graft is placed into the sinus to augment the alveolar ridge (tooth-bearing segment of the jaw) while at the same time avoiding blocking sinus drainage through the osteomeatal complex (opening between the maxillary sinus and the nasal airway).
Contact Us for More Information About Sinus Lift Surgery Today
Please contact us for information about sinus lift surgery or if you would like to arrange a consultation appointment call us at (604) 532-9686 or submit your info on our online contact form.
“Excellence in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”